Can I install Windows 8.1  on second hard drive

I have Windows  7 X64 on my main hard drive and I have a second hard drive thats empty.  I was wondering if I can install windows 8.1 not on my main harddrive  but install  it on my second where its blank and empty.

Is this possible for Windows 8.1. Please provide me any information on how to do it



June 28th, 2013 2:31pm

Certainly, multiboot of Windows 8.1 with Windows 7 should be identical to multiboot with Windows 8 and Windows 7. The Windows 8 and 8.1 boot manager should detect the Windows 7 environment upon installation and provide you with the option to select which operating system during boot.

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June 28th, 2013 4:43pm

Is there a feature to allow me to choose a secondary hard drive to install windows.  I do not want to install Win 8.1 on my win 7 machine.  I do not want to do a upgrade but clean install to my secondary hard drive

can u provide me the instructions

Thanks so much


June 28th, 2013 4:50pm

Simply use the ISO files to install clean to the second drive. They can be found here.

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June 28th, 2013 5:52pm


I have downloaded the iso files and once I burn them what are the steps to install it to my secondary drive

Please elabortate


June 28th, 2013 6:31pm


It should be  same with the process of installing a new system, when you burn it to a DVD, then you can use it to boot from the DVD and select custom installation.

You can refer to this tutorial :

Install Windows 8.1 on separate partition & Dual Boot it with another OS

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July 1st, 2013 9:36pm

THanks Alex for the help and assitance in how to install it on my second hard drive.

Its very much appreciated.



July 2nd, 2013 12:34am

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